Her ears were very wide apart, her saddle deep, a fine head marked with a black star, a very long neck, strongly articulated knees, prominent ribs, oblique shoulders and a powerful crupper. 两只耳朵分得很开,脊梁凹。细长的头上有一颗黑星,脖子很长,膝骨非常突出,肋宽,肩斜,臀部壮大。
'Wake up, Beauty!'he said, coming into the stable.'We must go quickly now!'And before I could think, he had the saddle on my back and the bridle on my head. 醒醒,黑骏马!他说着,冲进马厩里。我们必须马上走!我还没来得及想,他就把马鞍备好,笼头也给我戴上了。
This dog has a rather large saddle on his back, but very little dark markings on his head. 这只边境牧羊犬背部的马鞍状斑纹相当大,但它头上几乎没有黑色斑纹。
With troubled faces they watched Fong, slumped forward in the saddle, his head bowed, pain and defeat in his eyes. 他们满脸不安地望着方&他身子向前骑在马上,低头,眼里充满痛苦和颓丧的神情。
While the soldiers were shouting, Kutuzov, bending forward in his saddle, bowed his head, and his eyes gleamed with a mild and, as it were, ironical light. 在士兵们正在欢呼雀跃的时候,库图佐夫在坐骑上俯下身子,低下了头,他的眼睛里闪烁出一种温情的、又仿佛是一种讥讽的亮光来。